Desperate Housekeeping for busy mums and dads

From one mother to another

Archive for the category “About Me”

Art Exhibition Vernissage to Support Education of Children

Hello dear readers!

Good things need to be shared, so a great initiative going on definitely needs to reach as many people as we can.

An art exhibition Vernissage is being held at Caves Schlink in Machtum (85 route du Vin) to support the education of children of asylum seekers. How? Well, simple: 10 euros from every ticket sold at 15 euros is going to an education fund that will be used to buy school supplies and a new pair of shoes for every child at the Foyer St Antoine.

You can read the full story on the following article:

New blog! Hope to see you there!

Hi all!
As some of you know, I recently launched a new blog: Expat Mum in Luxembourg.

At the begining, I thought it would make sense to maintain both blogs, with separate themes, but quickly I figured it out that my themes are always around Family Life and Kids.

So, I decided that the new blog will be my new online ‘home’, with new and fresh ideas. As for the Desperate Housekeeping for Busy Mums and Dads, I’ll start to gradually migrate the best contents into the new blog as well.

Hope to ‘see’ you at the ‘Expat Mum in Luxembourg‘ blog and, please, don’t forget to “Follow It”.


Luxembourg – Thank You!

I’m very grateful to and particularly to Jess 🙂 who managed to write a lovely article about my recent post about Giving At Luxembourg.

You can easily find the interview in the following link:

Expat mum’s clear-out gives hope to hard-up residents

I must say that the word was really spread away as in just a few hours I got some e-mails of people interested in participate in this idea as well! It’s so wonderful! 🙂

Now it’s time to continue working on helping each other as well as ourselves. And most important, to keep the project alive!

I think it’s also time to all of us re-think the way we live. The installed economical crisis is affecting most of the families around the world, not only the poorest. This shouldn’t mean we’d all get pessimist and negative. In the matter of fact, I believe it’s our chance to reinvent ourselves and be criative!

Be Creative! Be Frugal! Be Happier with Less!

So, I’m starting a new series of posts on 101 Saving Strategies on our day-to-day life. From grocery management to cleaning stuff, from entretaining to kids activities.

Let’s share some great ideas and begin 2013 on the most positive way!

PS: Feel free to send me some ideas directly by e-mail if you prefer.

Mommy again!

After several days away, I’m very happy to come here and tell all of you guys that I’m a proud mommy for the 2nd time! Yes, my little girl was born last 23th October, so cute, so perfect! 🙂

So, I have several thoughts to share with you about the motherhood theme. And one is the breastfeeding miracle.

I was amazed the first time I became a mom, and this time I became amazed again. It’s so wonderfull, and yet so frightening, how a little human being is so dependent on you (and yourself on him/her).

It’s true when the doctors tell us that every woman should breastfeeding his baby as long as possible, unless in very particular exceptions involving health restrictions. It is not only the best food for your baby natural growth, but also for your post-partum recovery.

However, not all is good, especially the first days or even weeks, when the mom’s breasts can be very hurt with this new experience. Even if it’s not the first time like myself. It’s very easy to give up… I’ll write more about some tips to overpass these obstacles.

If you (the reader) are a father-to-be, please note that you are a very important piece of this puzzle, as you should motivate your partner every single minute, showing her the positive side of breastfeeding and explaining that this not-so-good phase is just for a few days. If you feel like you’re not successfull, please find some help within your friends, doctor or breastfeeding support groups. Regarding this theme, family isn’t always the best solution since until recently there was a belief that not all women were capable of breastfeeding… Fortunately this thought is no longer credible by most of new moms! 😉

Hello world!

Hi! My name is Rute and I qualify myself as a desperate mother, wife and business woman. I have a 3 year old beautiful boy and a 6 months old little girl. I am obsessed with organization at all levels and I love to cook and entertaining. Besides that, I work in the finantial industry as a business / IT manager. Most of the time it seems a lot to handle, specially now when the motherhood challenge is growing and I’ve just moved from Portugal to Luxembourg.

With this blog I expect to reach every other mommies and daddies who identify with the shared ideas, and together we find share tips to ease and simplify our daily challenges and the amazing experience of motherhood/parenthood.

Please feel free to e-mail me directly for any additional thoughts or feedbacks using the following address

I’m also the author of Expat Mum in Luxembourg blog, where I write everything about living in Luxembourg as a family with kids.

So, welcome to ‘Desperate Housekeeping’ blog!

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