Desperate Housekeeping for busy mums and dads

From one mother to another


Hi! My name is Rute and I qualify myself as a desperate mother, wife and business woman. I have a 3 year old beautiful boy and a five months little girl. I am obsessed with organization at all levels and I love to cook and entertaining. Besides that, I work in the finantial industry as a business / IT manager. Most of the time it seems a lot to handle, specially now when the motherhood challenge is growing and just moved to Luxembourg.

With this blog I expect to reach every other mommies and daddies who identify with the shared ideas, and together we find share tips to ease and simplify our daily challenges and the amazing experience of motherhood/parenthood.

Please feel free to e-mail me directly for any additional thoughts or feedbacks using the following address

So, welcome to ‘Desperate Housekeeping’ blog!

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